Monday, December 23, 2013

The following are exempted from military duty in Texas: "Idiots, lunatics, vagabonds, confirmed drunkards, persons addicted to the use of narcotic drugs, and persons convicted of infamous crimes." In other words, pretty much all of my friends are exempted from military duty in Texas.
I don't know about anyone else, but I feel insulted by the garbage Hollywood is cranking out. Do they really expect people to line up to see a movie adaptation of Gilligan's Island? Evidently.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Scott says the NFL needs to make teams put stripes on the side of their uniform pants. It looks like they are playing in tights. Those aren't ballet dancers out there. Those are football players. Scott needs the illusion.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Scott says the worst thing about being poor is not how little you have. It's the constant threat that you might lose what little you have.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Scott says you know the world has changed when the "Made in China" label on your towel is printed in Spanish
More news on the new Superman movie. Rumor has it that Superman will be ditching the cape. Scott says it is about time. Scott understands how Superman can wear tights under his clothes. Heck, Scott has done it himself. What Scott could never understand is how Superman was able to tuck his cape under his clothes without ruining the line of his suit. And then there is the matter of whether Superman can take a leak without shattering the toilet, but that is for another time.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The buzz is growing over rumors that Batman and Superman will be squaring off in a new movie. Fans of each are weighing in. Now, Scott is not an expert on comic book superheroes but, from what he knows about Batman and Superman, Scott thinks that, if the rumors are true, the new movie had better have a lot of background and filler because the actual fight should only last about 5 seconds.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hey kids, did you ever wonder what it would be like to be poor? Well, here's your chance. Collin College, in Frisco, Texas, is holding a poverty simulation next Tuesday. Guests can pretend to be poor in a shabby part of town replete with a pawnshop, a social security office, and a police station. Registration is required, so hurry up. You don't want to miss this, it should be fun.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Scott says the worst thing about being poor is not just how little you have. It is not difficult to live without things you have never possessed. The worst part is the constant threat that you might lose what little you do have.

Monday, October 28, 2013

It turns out that the new health care sign up is not going as smoothly as the government anticipated. Scott is not surprised. Scott has filed for unemployment. Scott has applied for Social Security.  Scott has sought government relief against unscrupulous employers. Scott knows how cumbersome and inefficient the government is. The only thing Scott is perplexed by is why so many thought that this time the government would do better.

Monday, October 21, 2013

According to the paper this morning, the Mayor of Dallas wants to make downtown Dallas a "funky place to be". He wants to make Dallas one of  the "coolest" cities in the world. Scott is not convinced that the Mayor of Dallas knows what "cool" and "funky" mean. Scott is not even sure if the mayor has ever been to Dallas.
Those are two of Scott's all time favorite cats
The new "Carrie" movie will be coming out soon. Don't think for a moment that this will simply be another Hollywood retread. They put a lot of effort into jazzing the new movie up. For example, in the original movie, Carrie received a humiliating tampon shower. In the new movie that still happens, but it's recorded on a cell phone and there's the threat that the video will go viral.

Sequels, remakes, TV shows, and knock offs: Hollywood hasn't had a new idea in years. Scott can't wait to see it!
Scott was in an office this morning. The office had a television and the television was on. On it was The View. Scott doesn't know why anyone should care what the women on The View think.  Scott doesn't know why people should care what anyone on TV thinks. Scott knows how to read and he knows to think. Scott does not get his thoughts off the shelf. He builds them at home.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Brace yourself kids, Hollywood is gearing up for the big new Ant Man movie. Marvel Comics is having a fire sale. Everything must go.
That's Scott's friend Dave. Scott and Dave go back a long way.

Scott is building a robot army. Scott has plans.