Monday, January 20, 2014

Scott doesn't trust any politician that is on a mission. Scott doesn't trust any politician that has a vision. Scott is wary of politicians in the service of a cause. Scott knows that the greatest horrors in history have been perpetrated by leaders committed to an idea.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Scott says one of the pillars of modern capitalism is trying to get people to buy things regardless of whether they need them. That is why they put so much effort into trying to persuade someone with a perfectly good automobile that they need to get a new one, or a person with a perfectly good flat screen TV that they need to get a bigger one, or that the hamburger they bought isn't tasty enough and they should pay an extra dollar to get the good one. If companies ever succeeded in selling every person in the world a new blender they would immediately get to work trying to convince those people that the blender they bought isn't good enough and they need to get a new one.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Scott just saw an ad on the Internet for Sonos Wireless that featured a video clip of the Dead Boys playing "Sonic Reducer". Scott is dumbfounded. Does Stiv know about this?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Ford just unveiled its sleek new "Equus Bass" Mustang. Scott wonders who Ford is trying to fool. "Equus Bass"? Why don't they just drop the charade and call it a Boss Mustang. Scott is sure that Ford spent a lot of money coming up with that name and they wasted every penny of it. Scott says Ford took one of the all time great car names and made a pretentious dandy out of it.
Scott says if music is the food of love, Justin Bieber is working at McDonald's.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

In the news, stunning images from the Hubble Space Telescope were released on Tuesday. Using Einstein's concept that clusters of galaxies magnify and stretch light, scientists have been able to see stars 1/20th as bright as anything heretofore seen. Meanwhile, many people continue to consult those same stars for omens and hints to their future. If it weren't for pencil necked, pointy headed nerds like the guys at NASA, we would still be checking our horoscopes, looking for omens, and praying to the Moon. Well, that's not quite true. Some people will always check their horoscope, look for signs, and pray to the Moon no matter what science reveals to us. Scott reckons we need folks like that to preserve the curve.